Welcome to the Katonah Yoga Library
The territory of any Katonah Yoga map is the mind and body of the individual. Where one stands is not at the beginning but in the middle of one’s journey. Orient yourself— organize your mind, body and breath. Remember the goal. Set the course. Drive to the destination— mind the vehicle, mind the road, site the destination.
There is a long tradition of meditative map-making in yoga traditions. Our maps are metaphorical. They guide the imagination. Numbers, their sequencing, their manipulation and their defined geometries are codes that guide meditative techniques.
Some of the maps are space-oriented, and some are time-oriented. Our maps are also technical, mathematical, palimpsestic— affording depths of insight through their overlays. Make your own paper prints and cellophanes and find joy with overlaying, folding and repeating.
Cross reference the maps and material with practices from our video library for a greater potential of insight
All maps and charts designed by Nevine Michaan, illustrated by Susan Fierro and graphically manipulated by Brian Sisco and Brenda DeRose.
These maps present the framework of Katonah Yoga theory and meditations.
In the spirit of open source we wish to make this library available for free. Photos were taken by Sandra Wong Geroux of Melanie Hyman and many other models.
Terms of Use & Copyright
All rights reserved.
Except for commercial use, images may be reproduced or transmitted for personal use with correct attribution. Nevine Michaan, Katonah Yoga®, © ( insert copyright date for image ) Katonah Yoga Center, Inc., www.katonahyoga.com. Illustrated by Susan Fierro.